The 9th Annual Homegrown Tomato Fest will take place Saturday, August 10, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Kingsport Farmers Market, Center Street & Clinchfield Street in Kingsport. This celebration of the juicy red fruit features tomato contests, free tomato tastings (including many heirloom varieties), free tomato refreshments, tomato-growing advice, and fun for the whole family. There will be also be activities for kids and culinary demonstrations.
Tomato lovers are invited to enter the Best Salsa Contest and to bring tomatoes to compete in the following categories:
Best Tasting, Biggest, Prettiest, Ugliest, Most Bizarre, and Best Dressed. Admission is free and there are no entry fees. Entry forms may be downloaded from the SAPS website, or picked up at Downtown Kingsport Association (DKA) or Wards Feed Store. Entries will be accepted from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. for all contests. Winners will be announced at 10:00 a.m.
Can you help out? Many hands make light work! Please contact Dennis Marshall at 288-3675 or SAPS members are encouraged to bring tomatoes for judging and tasting and basil for tomato refreshments, and to volunteer to help with this fun event. (Master Gardeners can earn service hours.) Volunteers are also requested to bring knives for slicing tomatoes and spreading mayo, and cutting boards and trays for serving tomato sandwiches.
Homegrown Tomato Fest is sponsored by the Southern Appalachian Plant Society and the Downtown Kingsport Association
Thanks to the Downtown Kingsport Association