It’s cold outdoors and you are probably already getting tired of winter. At Evergreen Home and Garden Showplace, we have a perfect solution to chase away your winter blues. Come to Evergreen on Saturday January 17th for our FREE indoor gardening seminar, Houseplants 101.
Having a green thumb is not something everyone is born with! It takes time, patience and a little bit of knowledge to turn a fancy into a hobby.
At this seminar, the Green People will dive into the secrets to developing your green thumb with houseplants. We will review the different plant families, introduce you to plants that like low light, ones that love lots of light, ones that can handle it dry, others that need it wet. Find out about the easiest plants to have and which ones are the most fussy. Discover a few plants that have special needs but should be a part of your home collection.
We will review light, water, soil, humidity and everything else to make your plants thrive!
By the end of the chat, you will have a stronger understanding of what you have been doing right and what might be the reason you killed that fern last winter. Then join us in the greenhouse for a day of houseplant shopping, armed with your new knowledge!
See ya in the greenhouse!