This Saturday at 10AM, The Green People at both Evergreen H&G Showplace locations will offer a ‘Kitchen Herb Container Make & Take Workshop’. In addition to learning about different kitchen herbs and how to care for them, you may even get a few tips on how to harvest them to spice up your kitchen creations. But best of all, you will take home a large terracotta container, filled with soil/fertilizer and your choice of 4 kitchen herbs AND you will be able to plant them in our growing greenhouses.

Below is a pic of one of the containers we planted so that you will have an idea of what you can expect to take home with you. The cost for this Make & Take Workshop is $20.

So register at either of our locations (but you will need to regHerb Container for Workshopister since we only have 40 containers available at Riverport Rd location and 20 at our Colonial Heights location).
Click on the link below to register.